Jay Wallace ran a rugged route through
Phipps Park in 22:40 to be the first runner to Forestmeadows Athletic Center and the finish line of Gulf Winds Track Club's Potluck Bash 4-Mile Run on 13 June 2009. Micah Adriani was the first woman finisher at 27:05. However, neither was the race winner, because Potluck Bash is a prediction run, with top honors going to the runner who can most closely predict his or her finishing time. Under those rules, the championship went to Jimmy Lee (35:50) and Jerry McDaniel (28:00), who each finished in exactly the time that he had predicted. You can't get any closer than "right on."

The course was cross country, over roads and single-track trails in
Phipps Park. The runners started from the youth sports complex off of Meridian Road, headed west across the
Meadows Soccer Complex to the
Phipps Park trails. A little over three miles later, the runners returned east to cross the
Meadows Soccer Complex parking lot, run a few yards on Miller Landing Road, and then turn south along a gas pipeline to finish in the parking lot of Forestmeadows Athletic Center.
The four-mile run was followed by a pot-luck dinner social, after which the recipients of the 2009 Chenoweth Awards were announced, the top male and female track and cross-country athletes from the Tallahassee region as recognized by Gulf Winds Track Club's Chenoweth Committee.
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