Sunday, December 22, 2024

Alyson Churchill posts a swift homecoming win at the Tannenbaum 6K

Saturday, 21 December 2024 was the first day of winter in the northern hemisphere. So although it was sunny and bright in Tallahassee, Florida that morning, the Capital City was experiencing its version of winter temperatures, dipping below 40 °F. At Apalachee Regional Park Championship Cross-Country Course, the athletes gathered for Gulf Winds Track Club's twelfth annual Tannenbaum Trail 6K were so bundled up because of the chill that it was hard to recognize anyone. One runner, though, was clearly identifiable by her stride--springy and energetic, even while warming up before the race. It was Alyson Churchill, whose distinctive stride carried her over the course in 21:46, good for first place overall. Master runner and triathlete Charlie Johnson was the top male finisher, placing runner-up to Churchill in 22:00.

Alyson Churchill
Alyson Churchill

Master runner Bryan Hendricks was the early pacesetter in the race, charging into the lead just after the 8:00 AM start. Two kilometers in, Hendricks had 50 meters on the field, with Alyson Churchill and Leonardo Canete leading the pursuit. The two-kilometer mark was on the Shell Bridge, the lowest point on the two-loop course. During the next kilometer, the runners would climb to regain the elevation they had lost on the way to the Shell Bridge; that climb would include ARPXC's notorious hill--the Wall.

"It was just after the wall where I passed Bryan Hendricks," recalled Churchill. "We ran together up the wall and then I passed him coming up behind the fence area."

Charlie Johnson
Charlie Johnson

By the three-kilometer mark, Churchill had opened a 40-meter gap. Master runners Canete and Charlie Johnson had caught up with Hendricks. Canaan Ponce, a harrier for Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, was a few more steps back. Churchill, though, was widening the gap.

She doubled her lead during the second half of the race, going on to win in 21:46, the fastest Tannenbaum by a woman in the twelve-year history of the race, beating the old mark of 21:56 run by Stefanie Slekis in 2012. It was Churchill's third time as first female at the Tannenbaum; she had also led the women's standings in 2016 and 2019. This time Churchill led everyone.

Leonardo Canete
Leonardo Canete

Charlie Johnson was the first male finisher, coming in second overall in 22:00. Leonard Canete took second in the men's standings, placing third overall in 22:20. Canaan Ponce was the first Junior (U19) in the race, the third male and fourth overall in 22:29. At 23:02, Bryan Hendricks was the third master runner, the fourth male finisher, and fifth overall.

The first woman master was Florida State professor Dr. Katie Sherron, coming in eighth overall iin 23:32. Second in women's division in 2024, Sherron had previously won four Tannenbaum titles, having been first female in 2011, 2015, 2017, and 2022. Master runner Amy Hines took third in the women's ranks, finishing tenth overall in 23:41. Flagler University alum Megan Churchill was the fourth female finisher and fifteenth overall in 24:44.

Katie Sherron
Katie Sherron

143 athletes finished the 2024 Tannenbaum Trail 6K. Gulf Winds Track Club chip-timed the race. Look for the thirteenth annual Tannenbaum Trail 6K on Saturday morning, 20 December 2025.

Top Ten Women, Gulf Winds Track Club's 2024 Tannenbaum Trail Cross-Country Race
  1. 21:46, Alyson Churchill (F, 22) Tallahassee, FL
  2. 23:32, Katie Sherron (F, 43) Tallahassee, FL
  3. 23:41, Amy Hines (F, 44) Tallahassee, FL
  4. 24:44, Megan Churchill (F, 22) Tallahassee, FL
  5. 25:41, Stephanie Liles-Weyant (F, 52) Tallahassee, FL
  6. 27:54, Rebekah Mills (F, 27) Camden Wyoming, DE
  7. 29:33, Signe Ulsamer (F, 47) Tallahassee, FL
  8. 29:34, Megan Orcutt (F, 39) Tallahassee, FL
  9. 29:44, Angela Dempsey (F, 56) Tallahassee, FL
  10. 30:14, Georgina Hernandez (F, 34) Quincy, FL

Top Ten Men, Gulf Winds Track Club's 2024 Tannenbaum Trail Cross-Country Race
  1. 22:00, Charlie Johnson (M, 45) Tallahassee, FL
  2. 22:20, Leonardo Canete (M, 46) Tallahassee, FL
  3. 22:29, Canaan Ponce (M, 19) Adel, GA
  4. 23:02, Bryan Hendricks (M, 44) Defuniak Springs, FL
  5. 23:20, Ryan Truchelut (M, 39) Tallahassee, FL
  6. 23:21, Alexander Ayala (M, 20) Adel, GA
  7. 23:35, Hong-Guo Yu (M, 56) Tallahassee, FL
  8. 24:02, Ryan Kunz (M, 42) Tallahassee, FL
  9. 24:38, Jonathan Kiros (M, 16) Tallahassee, FL
  10. 24:39, Tony Guillen (M, 56) Tallahassee, FL

Tannenbaum Trail 6K Champions, 2011 - 2024
17 December 201119:49, Chris Lake25:33, Katie Showman173
15 December 201219:35, Kevin Sullivan21:56, Stefanie Slekis182
21 December 201320:51, Bryan Koon22:30, Jodie McGuff76
20 December 201420:17, Kyle Harris25:21, Jillian Heddaeus149
19 December 201520:36, Joseph Garcia23:30, Katie Sherron192
17 December 201620:30, Josh Andrews22:33, Alyson Churchill87
16 December 201720:19, Charlie Johnson22:46, Katie Sherron112
15 December 201818:03*, Charlie Kline22:29*, Michelle Allen136
21 December 201922:16, Filippo Aldrovandi-Reina24:30, Alyson Churchill105
19 December 2020No Race
18 December 2021No Race
17 December 202221:45, Leonardo Canete22:16, Katie Sherron129
16 December 202320:42, Jonah Berry26:18, Alexis Mayfield98
21 December 202422:00, Charlie Johnson21:46, Alyson Churchill143
* The 2018 race was shortened to 5,500 meters because of course conditions.


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