The 2010 Cody Climb 8K
An absolutely no-frills five miler
"Because Tallahassee doesn't have an 8K road race"
Sunday, 21 March 2009 @ 9:00am ET
Southwood, Tallahassee, Florida
An absolutely no-frills five miler
"Because Tallahassee doesn't have an 8K road race"

Southwood, Tallahassee, Florida
The Cody Climb is a very informal 8K road race (think pirate radio). The name stems from the course, a loop that ascends and descends the Cody Scarp, a steep slope at the boundary between the Red Hills region and the lower coastal plain. Here is a description of the course:
Start on the Capital Circle Southeast Trail between Merchants Row Boulevard and Shumard Oaks Boulevard. Head south on the trail to Shumard Oaks. Head east on Shumard Oaks (use the bike lane) to 4 Oaks Boulevard. Head north on 4 Oaks Boulevard to Orange Avenue, climbing out of the coastal plain up the Cody Escarpment and into the Red Hills. Head west on Orange Avenue to the Capital Circle Southeast Trail. Head south on the trail to Merchants Row Boulevard, descending the Cody Escarpment to return to the coastal plain. Head east on Merchants Row to the first right, an apparently nameless road. Head south on the nameless road to 4 Oaks Boulevard. Head west on Shumard Oaks to the Capital Circle Southeast Trail. Head north on the trail to return to the starting line.The entry fee will be any United States Federal Reserve Note. No coins, no checks. In return for this nominal entry fee we will be providing very little. Here is a long list of some of the things you won't find at this race:
I mean, you can wear one, but we're not going to give you one. - NO AWARDS
Other than the satisfaction of a race well run. - NO REFRESHMENTS
Bring your own water or sports drink or soda or beer for pre- and post-race hydration. And I know that you'll clean up after yourself, but could you make sure that your friend does, too? (He's kind of a pig.) - NO PRE-REGISTRATION
Show up on race day. Or not. - NO ONLINE REGISTRATION
Although you'd probably figured that out when you saw that there was no pre-registration. - NO CHANGE
Entry fee is any Federal Reserve note, as small a denomination as you care to bring. If you're too lazy to scrounge up a dollar bill then we're too lazy to make change for your twenty (but we will thank you for it). - NO COINS
See above. - NO CHECKS
See above. - NO PROCEEDS
At a dollar a head, we're hoping to cover expenses like course marking and printing, but probably not. At any rate, there shouldn't be enough left over to benefit the National Dandruff Society or the Autistic Puppy Foundation. If there is a net from the race, we promise to spend it unwisely. - NO COURSE CERTIFICATION
We aren't going to the trouble and expense of having the course certified by the USATF. It will be carefully measured. If you want to pay someone to certify the course, I'm willing to bet that he'll discover that it was accurate. - NO TRAFFIC CONTROL
The course was designed to encounter minimum traffic by using bike lanes and paved multi-use trails, but there are intersections and road crossings. Be at least as cautious as you would be on a training run. Don't dash across roads without looking. Don't make the cars angry; they are bigger than you are and will always win. Be especially careful because there is... - NO INSURANCE
So don't be flattened by a truck, bitten by a dog, run yourself into heat exhaustion, or get a really bad blister.
Registration will be near the start, a short distance north of Shumard Oaks Boulevard along the Capital Circle Southeast Trail. If you aren't resourceful enough to find parking nearby then you aren't resourceful enough to run this race.
If you want to volunteer or need to know more, contact me at
- A tour of the Cody Climb 8K road race course
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