By the mid-1970s we were being spoiled by lighter shoes with nylon uppers that didn't soak up nearly as much water and would actually dry out if you gave them half a chance. You do have to give them that chance, though. In the bad old days, you might as well throw your wet leather training shoes in the bottom of your gym locker and let the moulder, because they weren't going to dry out, anyway. So how do you get training shoes with nylon uppers dry before your next workout? Because you do want them dry, and as soon as possible, if for no other reason than that the current crop of training shoes all smell like cat urine if left if they're run in hard and put up wet.
There are a few methods that you should under no circumstances try, because just about all these shoes are put together with heat-activated glue. So when your grandmother suggests putting your wet athletic shoes on the radiator, thank her for her advice but under no circumstances follow it--and don't leave your wet shoes laying around so that she can helpfully place them on the radiator, on the water heater, in the oven, or in the clothes dryer. The heat from these sources will reactivate the glue holding your shoes together and it will cease holding your shoes together. Another place not to attempt to dry your shoes is in your car under the window. I rediscover this every ten years or so, most recently with a pair of racing flats.
I've been told that these don't work very well. The one that I've been using works great, and you could use it even if you were doing two-a-day workouts in a rainy place like Washington using the same shoes all the time. Which you really shouldn't do because you should rotate your shoes, right? But you could, because that's how well the dryer works. I don't know where it came from or how much it cost because it's quite a few years old, which speaks well for its durability. It was never beautiful, and age hasn't improved its looks, but it lives contentedly in its corner of the garage. It's a plug-in unit containing a small heater and fan, from which two hollow plastic stalks rise. Your shoes go on the top of the stalks, which carry a gentle puff of warm air into the shoes. After a few hours the shoes are dry. There's no noise, so you might forget to turn the dryer off (which you do by pulling the plug; there's no switch). One shortcoming of the unit is that it only dries one pair of shoes at a time. If you're in a household that produces multiple pairs of wet shoes then you're going to need more than one shoe dryer.
An embossed label on the base of the unit proclaims, "PEET The Shoe Dryer." I don't know if they're still around. I kind of hope they are. After all, this unit can't last forever.
Of course, still sells PEET Shoe Dryers.
Nicely done, Herb! The pic is hilarious! The one with shoes on it looks like a pair of really skinny white legs in the air.
ReplyDeleteThe least you could've done, though, is stated that that someone who told you they didn't work well is now a dyed in the wool PEET shoe dryer user! :D