2014 Devil-Take-The-Hindmost Run

Saturday, 2 August 2014 @ 7:00 PM ET
Florida State University's Mike Long Track
Chieftain Way and Spirit Way, Tallahassee, Florida
Florida State University's Mike Long Track
Chieftain Way and Spirit Way, Tallahassee, Florida
Tallahassee's Devil-take-the-Hindmost run returns on Saturday evening, 2 August 2014 at 7:00 PM ET on the Mike Long Track. The race has been held irregularly since the 1970s, but this will be the fourth summer in a row with a visit from the Devil. In the middle of hurricane season, we also need this?
The Devil's new rules in 2013 were intensely disliked, so the Devil has decided to use them again. There is a two-minute limit on each lap. You must finish the lap before the two minutes are up, and you can't start the next lap until the two minutes are up. At the end of each lap, the Devil will take his due, removing the last runner from the track, plus anyone who didn't complete the lap in two minutes. The clock will be run by the Devil's handyman, Bill Lott. The first lap will start at 0:00, the second at 2:00, the third at 4:00, and so on.
As before, the run continues until one runner is left on the track. The winner? Of course not! The Devil always wins.
No T-shirt. No entry fee. No whining. Show up on the starting line, and register when the Devil takes you. Spectators welcome. Refreshments will be neither served nor sold, so pack accordingly.
Questions? Post any questions as a comment below. The Devil will give us the answers. Or not. This is the Devil we're talking about.
- All about the 2013 Devil-Take-The-Hindmost Run, with results and links to photos
- All about the 2012 Devil-Take-The-Hindmost Run, with results and links to photos
- All about the 2011 Devil-Take-The-Hindmost Run, with results and links to photos
- All about the 2004 Devil-Take-The-Hindmost Run, with results and links to photos
- All about the 1993 Devil-Take-The-Hindmost Run, including results
- All about the 1992 Devil-Take-The-Hindmost Run, including results
- Announcement for the 2011 Devil-Take-The-Hindmost Run
- Find upcoming races of a more usual sort on the Trouble Afoot! calendar
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