The athletes who did run didn't seem to be put out by the weather at all. Rick Miller won in a very respectable 15:23, outkicking Tim Simpkins (captured on film by Rex Cleveland). The open section preceded the invitational, so any open runners who cared to hang around in the rain were able to witness the dramatic finish. Yvonne Gsteiger was the top woman in 19:05, finishing tenth overall in the invitational section.
15th Annual Palace Saloon 5K Road Race
Tallahassee, Florida
Presented by the Gulf Winds Track Club
15 Apr 1989 8:00 A.M.
********** INVITATIONAL RUN RESULTS **********
Place Name S Age Time Pace
===== =========================== = === ======= =====
1. Rick Miller M 32 15:23
2. Tim Simpkins M 34 15:26
3. Bill Crooks M 25 15:40
4. Tom Burr M 27 16:18
5. Bill McGuire M 41 16:20
6. Dave Hagemes M 43 16:47
7. Frank Reguero M 34 17:03
8. Rich Leslie M 41 17:21
9. James Dickson M 45 17:27
10. Yvonne Gsteiger F 31 19:05
11. Barbara Balzer F 36 19:28
12. Kim Huffman F 20 20:20
13. Lynn Mendoza F 27 20:32
14. Mary Jean Yon F 33 20:48
15. Jodi Waldron F 25 20:48
16. Joy Opheim F 34 20:50
17. Margarete Deckert F 56 22:10
********** OPEN RUN RESULTS **********
Place Name S Age Time Pace
===== =========================== = === ======= =====
1. Paul Carrington M 20 16:40
2. George West M 35 16:53
3. Mark Opitz M 27 16:58
4. Kent Vann M 37 17:01
5. Karl Hempel M 37 17:08
6. David Yon M 33 17:17
7. Bob Garcia M 30 17:20
8. Geno Mitchell M 20 17:20
9. Terry Presnell M 39 17:33
10. Joe D'Agostino M 32 17:40
11. Jeff Bowman M 27 17:50
12. Dan Hyre M 45 17:51
13. Bob Barrable M 35 17:54
14. Heath Simmons M 16 17:57
15. W Ray Scott M 35 18:02
16. Gary Durrett M 35 18:04
17. Daryl Williams M 28 18:09
18. Rick Asadourian M 29 18:27
19. Lloyd Cline M 39 18:27
20. Joe Dexter M 43 18:28
21. Lee Cohee M 48 18:30
22. Jeff Nielsen M 31 18:30
23. Jim McCauley M 35 18:33
24. Tom Maureau M 29 18:33
25. Steve Vandergriff M 29 18:36
26. Gary Griffin M 39 18:41
27. Gene Glotzbach M 37 18:47
28. John Whitworth M 32 19:01
29. Larry Workman M 40 19:07
30. Matt Draper M 22 19:08
31. Jeff Doherty M 30 19:09
32. Bob Bentofsky M 36 19:10
33. Gary Kenny M 38 19:19
34. Gary Mendelson M 35 19:20
35. Dennis Barton M 48 19:25
36. Dana Stetson M 32 19:31
37. Don Brauns M 32 19:37
38. Bill de Grummond M 54 19:40
39. Jeff Blair M 34 19:42
40. Steve Foxwell M 36 19:44
41. James Deadman M 31 19:46
42. C P Nockrenz M 27 19:51
43. John Richie M 41 19:44
44. Gerry Rof M 48 19:58
45. Gene Rhodes M 34 20:01
46. Ed Truex M 54 20:03
47. Bruce Ricca M 31 20:05
48. Daryl Ellison M 40 20:06
49. unknown 20:11
50. Jak Effersone M 30 20:13
51. Charles Perego M 37 20:13
52. Tom Kelso M 46 20:15
53. Chuck Fisher M 41 20:16
54. Bruce Harvey M 35 20:20
55. Alex Simons M 49 20:22
56. Tom Carpenter M 20:23
57. Tom Dye M 54 20:31
58. Mike Minerva M 53 20:38
59. Mark Demont M 30 20:40
60. Ed Knight M 66 20:46
61. David Smith M 26 20:51
62. Leann Barber F 33 20:52
63. Sid Gholson M 39 20:54
64. Lynn Walden F 26 20:56
65. unknown 20:57
66. Bergen Bloomquist M 11 21:01
67. Bill Brinson M 42 21:03
68. Jerry Hart M 41 21:03
69. Keith Collins M 35 21:05
70. Michael Blair M 30 21:08
71. Bob Myhre M 39 21:12
72. David Iden M 17 21:17
73. Marvin Stuart M 35 21:18
74. Bob Elias M 35 21:19
75. Richard Addison M 35 21:20
76. unknown 21:21
77. David Vance M 52 21:23
78. unknown 21:23
79. Susannah Lyle F 35 21:26
80. Ron Christie M 43 21:27
81. J Hoskins M 34 21:27
82. Andrew Williams M 34 21:30
83. Rick Brafford M 36 21:32
84. Linda Ellison F 37 21:34
85. Eric Smith M 50 21:36
86. Gordon Palmer M 35 21:37
87. Cathy Fausone F 32 21:40
88. David Golden M 40 21:41
89. Arthur Ward M 55 21:42
90. Jerry O'Connor M 60 21:46
91. Robert McNeal M 27 21:47
92. Schef Wright M 39 21:48
93. Brad Thomas M 35 21:49
94. Dan Damerville M 38 21:51
95. Ed West M 33 21:56
96. Dave Barbour M 43 21:58
97. unknown 22:00
98. Doug Jones M 36 22:05
99. George Brown M 49 22:05
100. Jane Henderson F 37 22:07
101. Dave Jarrett M 31 22:09
102. J K Davis M 35 22:10
103. Charles Seese M 24 22:11
104. Chris Hirst M 27 22:11
105. G Koehler M 40 22:12
106. Phil Rivers M 39 22:23
107. Tom Robins M 29 22:31
108. Bert Hartsfield M 36 22:33
109. Rick Fausone M 39 22:35
110. Danny Battles M 39 22:37
111. Theresa Kolanko F 39 22:40
112. Kent K M 31 22:42
113. Cass Vickers M 40 22:48
114. Barry Gay M 38 22:53
115. Pat Dugan F 38 22:56
116. Scott Harden M 37 22:57
117. Sabrina Bass F 33 23:00
118. John Ruddell M 42 23:01
119. Diana O'Steen F 40 23:04
120. Jay Myhre M 33 23:09
121. Sandra Mecklenburg F 26 23:09
122. Lamons Warren F 46 23:12
123. Jim Parrish M 46 23:14
124. Jerry Kleehammer M 41 23:17
125. Julian Graham M 45 23:19
126. Don Adams M 43 23:21
127. Tom Powell M 41 23:23
128. Jeff Allen M 37 23:26
129. Jack Tebo M 59 23:28
130. Steve Brown M 35 23:29
131. Michael Boyd M 36 23:30
132. Dot Skofronick F 52 23:31
133. Joe Sisson M 35 23:44
134. John Robbins M 23 23:46
135. John George M 37 23:47
136. Scott Eagen M 23 23:48
137. Peg Griffin F 33 23:49
138. E Jones M 41 23:52
139. Barbara Fisher F 36 23:54
140. Ken Sylvestri M 37 23:55
141. Pete Skinner M 47 23:57
142. Sharon Anderson F 19 23:57
143. Chris Allen M 30 23:59
144. Kwan Soo Shin 29 24:00
145. Carol Rhodes F 40 24:01
146. Linda Sharer F 19 24:04
147. Emily Ruddell F 42 24:06
148. Gary Burrage M 31 24:10
149. Steve Stanford M 26 24:17
150. Bob Campbell M 49 24:19
151. Hayward Walker M 33 24:28
152. Michael Wood M 29 24:31
153. Jody Elliott 41 24:35
154. George Brosscone M 25 24:42
155. Tricia Wood F 31 24:47
156. Ann Mahoney F 35 24:49
157. Lynn Harvey F 32 24:50
158. Ernie Rehder M 49 24:52
159. Janis Yarborough F 35 24:57
160. Layne Smith 40 25:00
161. John Alderson M 62 25:03
162. Bill Dobson M 35 25:05
163. Beth Shade F 31 25:07
164. Tom Zaccardi M 36 25:10
165. Anne Draper F 47 25:16
166. Bill McLain M 38 25:17
167. Gloria Crittenden F 40 25:20
168. unknown 25:24
169. Philip Chryst M 36 25:25
170. Michael Barnard M 11 25:25
171. Chris Dexter M 7 25:26
172. Jerry Maurey M 57 25:26
173. Andrew Maurey M 28 25:27
174. Melina H Yo F 36 25:28
175. Jay Wiggins M 38 25:29
176. Philip Bass M 28 25:29
177. Francis King 22 25:32
178. Homer Harrell M 42 25:36
179. Kitty Convertino F 39 25:37
180. Paul Hyatt M 20 25:39
181. T Hansen 34 25:46
182. Leon Simpkins M 52 25:48
183. E M Wollcott 62 25:49
184. Francis Watson 49 25:50
185. Colleen Kinkade F 26 25:51
186. Tom B M 49 25:55
187. Walter Haar M 48 26:02
188. Ilse Wolfe F 25 26:08
189. Lynn Nihlen F 44 26:08
190. Andy Bailey M 27 26:10
191. Mark Faccio M 22 26:14
192. Cathy Conrardy F 32 26:16
193. Ben Bailey M 25 26:18
194. Ann Kass F 43 26:19
195. Bryan Desloge M 29 26:24
196. Dave Groves M 35 26:27
197. John Opper M 33 26:28
198. Gary Hamrick M 38 26:30
199. Randy Merchant M 33 26:31
200. Rich O'Donnell M 24 26:33
201. Mike Threapleton M 29 26:34
202. Cathy McDaris F 31 26:34
203. Zon DuBois 27 26:40
204. Mary Knight F 61 26:40
205. Phyllis Quets F 26 26:41
206. Bill Enfinger M 31 26:54
207. Gloria Barber F 39 26:54
208. Karen Bernhardt F 34 27:06
209. Erin Westfall F 14 27:07
210. Dianne Langston F 28 27:11
211. Kay Posey F 35 27:14
212. Linda Battle F 26 27:14
213. Susan Cox F 30 27:20
214. Leslie Gjedde F 42 27:22
215. Carol Flanagan F 33 27:25
216. Dick Stehmeyer M 36 27:26
217. Ken Davis M 35 27:32
218. Wendy Baker F 33 27:33
219. Richard Baker M 39 27:33
220. Doug Roberts M 30 27:34
221. Robin Rudicell 37 27:42
222. Bonnie Benge F 38 27:43
223. Marvin Hatcher M 39 27:45
224. Andy Yowell 20 27:50
225. Shirley Campbell F 39 27:51
226. Barb Everett F 35 27:53
227. Sherrell 46 27:53
228. Anne Kinch F 27 27:55
229. J D Thompson 8 27:56
230. Nat Toulon M 43 27:56
231. Jerry Draper M 49 27:56
232. Jeremiah Foxwell M 8 27:59
233. John Lovett M 43 28:03
234. Betty Hallman F 30 28:04
235. Dan Plough M 27 28:09
236. Sam Colosimo M 27 28:12
237. Sherrill Sturgis 28 28:20
238. Betsy Booth F 32 28:22
239. unknown 28:32
240. Will Walker M 39 28:33
241. Joann Connors F 44 28:35
242. Jean Bowling F 52 28:36
243. Matt Faraccio M 27 28:36
244. Debbie Brown F 25 28:37
245. Stephie Johnson F 31 28:41
246. unknown 28:45
247. Cynthia Christen F 36 28:53
248. S Kulakowski 28 29:04
249. Jeanette White F 32 29:10
250. Jan Bragdon 42 29:11
251. Martha Story F 41 29:20
252. Robert Deguzman M 27 29:37
253. Skyler Perkins F 8 29:39
254. Tom Perkins M 37 30:08
255. Jan Putnal 41 30:16
256. Lucy Westfall F 41 30:32
257. Erin Camblin F 28 30:47
258. Julie O'Malley F 35 30:48
259. Jody Foley F 22 31:10
260. Leslie Mami F 45 31:30
261. Dale Gjedde M 49 31:31
262. Sue Skinner F 38 31:33
263. Jan Rogers 48 32:11
264. Patricia Golden F 27 32:24
265. Carol Reynolds F 27 32:26
266. JoAnn Bone F 48 32:30
267. Catherine Jenkins F 23 32:41
268. Monica Hatchett F 33 32:48
269. Jeanne O'Kon F 37 33:03
270. Ralph Bennett M 52 33:06
271. Frances Brown F 33 33:17
272. Marie Boyle F 35 33:22
273. Kara Williams F 26 33:23
274. Diane Schmitt F 25 33:48
275. Jill Haynes F 23 35:13
276. unknown
277. unknown
278. unknown
279. Casey Cason M 71 35:53
- Results of the 14th annual Palace Saloon 5K, 9 April 1988
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