On 27 June 2011 work started on Capital Circle Southeast improvements between the Crawfordville Highway and the Woodville Highway. The project won't include the intersection at the Woodville Highway, which has already been improved--good news for the
Tallahassee Marathon's 2012 return to the St Marks Trail, which crosses Capital Circle Southeast at that intersection. The intersection at Crawfordville Highway is also already up to specifications, and won't be part of the project.

For the 1.15 miles of Capital Circle Southeast that will be included, the existing two-lane rural road will be widened to a seven-lane divided highway. According to a Blueprint 2000 news release, the completed roadway will include "curb and gutter, sidewalk, a meandering trail, bicycle lanes, a landscaped median, as well as significant stormwater improvements." Well, the existing road already had bicycle lanes but a sidewalk is always a good thing. The 1.15 miles of new "meandering trail" will extend the five miles of paved trail
currently in place along Capital Circle Southeast east of the Woodville Highway, as well as connecting with the St Mark Trail. As part of an existing network of paved trail, the new trail will be especially useful. For instance, a bicycle outing on the St. Marks Trail could include a side trip to businesses (e.g., Publix, Burger King, Hobbit Hoagie) at Crawfordville Highway and Capital Circle Southeast. Using the new trail, the
Flash 12K could be a simple out-and-back from J. Lewis Hall Park instead of a combination of two out-and-back courses. A new out-and-back 5K or longer course could be laid out from the Crawfordville Road Publix using the new trail and the St Marks Trail, a course that used no roads and crossed no highways.
The project is scheduled to be completed in summer 2012. $8.7 million of the cost of the $10.3 million project is federal funds secured through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
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