Really, people are going to stop inviting Niceville to their parties.
Competition started at the Lynn Haven Recreation Center in Lynn Haven, Florida, at 8:30 AM with the girls' 5K. Claire Crist took first for Niceville in 19:23, but the next three places also went to Eagles--senior Claudia Howes (2nd, 19:56), sophomore Hannah Schneidewind (3rd, 20:22), and sophomore Ally Woodward (4th, 20:34). Taking fifth in 20:35, Choctawhatchee junior Shelby Lindsay broke the Niceville monopoly on the top places. But the team competition was over when Niceville sophomore Ciara Coger crossed the line eighth in 21:08, giving the Eagles a near-perfect 18 points and the win. Choctawhatchee was second in the twelve-team field with 69 points. Crestview, led by the seventh-place 20:44 of senior Allison Ammons, took third with 96 points.
Team Standings, High School Girls, 2015 Dolphin Dash
- Niceville, 18
- Choctawhatchee, 69
- Crestview, 96
- Wakulla, 116
- Mosley, 120
- Arnold, 172
- Rutherford, 189
- Marianna, 238
- Blountstown, 252
- Bay, 285
- Franklin County, 361
Top Ten High School Girls, 2015 Dolphin Dash
- 19:22.16 ~ Claire Crist (Niceville) 11
- 19:55.64 ~ Claudia Howes (Niceville) 12
- 20:21.14 ~ Hannah Schneidewind (Niceville) 10
- 20:33.30 ~ Ally Woodard (Niceville) 10
- 20:34.80 ~ Shelby Lindsay (Choctawhatchee) 11
- 20:39.11 ~ Haleigh Martin (Wakulla) 11
- 20:43.72 ~ Allison Ammons (Crestview) 12
- 21:07.24 ~ Ciara Coger (Niceville) 10
- 21:25.71 ~ Diana LaFollette (Niceville) 11
- 21:39.86 ~ Shawna Lindsay (Choctawhatchee) 11
Running for the host school, Mosley, Ethan Mines won the boys 5K in 17:15, finishing a little more than 30 meters ahead of the runner-up, Choctawhatchee junior Matt Roehrig (17:23). Then came the Niceville runners. The Eagles took the next three places with seniors Jared Herzog (3rd, 17:35) and Jason Nodjomian (4th, 17:45) followed by sophomore Jack Johnson (5th, 17:50). Senior Elijah Schneidewind (8th, 17:58) made it four runners in the top ten for Niceville, and Austin Thompson (12th, 18:23) completed the scoring for the Eagles--giving them 32 points and the top spot in a field of eleven teams. Led by senior Matt Kannapel (7th, 17:51), Crestview took second with 92 points. Wakulla was third with 107 points behind their top finisher senior Evan Guarino (17th, 18:50).
Team Standings, High School Boys, 2015 Dolphin Dash
- Niceville, 32
- Crestview, 92
- Wakulla, 107
- Choctawhatchee, 122
- Arnold, 126
- Mosley, 172
- Wewahitchka, 176
- Blountstown, 179
- Rutherford, 213
- Franklin County, 25
- North Bay Haven, 293
Top Ten High School Boys, 2015 Dolphin Dash
- 17:14.33 ~ Ethan Mines (Mosley) 12
- 17:22.36 ~ Matthew Roehrig (Choctawhatchee) 11
- 17:34.52 ~ Jared Herzog (Niceville) 12
- 17:44.41 ~ Jason Nodjomian (Niceville) 12
- 17:49.39 ~ Jack Johnson (Niceville) 10
- 17:49.59 ~ Noah Lleva (Choctawhatchee) 10
- 17:51.00 ~ Matt Kannapel (Crestview) 12
- 17:57.27 ~ Elijah Schneidewind (Niceville) 12
- 17:59.61 ~ Corey Pilson (Rutherford) 12
- 18:08.84 ~ Elijah Sarmiento (Wewahitchka) 11
Individual champs, Mosley Dolphin Dash, 2009 - 2015 | ||
Date | Boys | Girls |
17 October 2009 | 16:35, Gabe Holguin (Bay) | 21:22, Sydney Newsom (Mosley) |
16 October 2010 | 16:55, Dieumy Duclos (Godby) | 21:08, Bria Upshur (West Florida Tech) |
15 October 2011 | 16:45, Stanley Linton (Wakulla) | 20:08, Mikayla Hodges (Arnold) |
13 October 2012 | 16:34, Charles Shackelford (Fort Walton Beach) | 18:54, Emma Rudman (Fort Walton Beach) |
28 September 2013 | 16:36, Connor Daughton (Maclay) | 19:09, Madison Harris (Wakulla) |
10 September 2014 | 16:13, Trey LaNasa (Fort Walton Beach) | 19:42, Emma Rudman (Fort Walton Beach) |
5 September 2015 | 17:15, Ethan Mines (Mosley) | 19:23, Claire Crist (Niceville) |
Team champs, Mosley Dolphin Dash, 2009 - 2015 | ||
Date | Boys | Girls |
17 October 2009 | Arnold, 43 points | Mosley, 15 points |
16 October 2010 | Arnold, 65 | West Florida Tech, 18 |
15 October 2011 | Crestview, 67 | Wakulla, 51 |
13 October 2012 | Fort Walton Beach, 15 | Fort Walton Beach, 22 |
28 September 2013 | Maclay, 44 | Crestview, 60 |
10 September 2014 | Fort Walton Beach, 23 | Fort Walton Beach, 33 |
5 September 2015 | Niceville, 32 | Niceville, 18 |
- Complete results of Mosley's 2015 Dolphin Dash, courtesy of Miles and Minutes, LLC
- 2014 story, “LaNasa and Rudman lead a Fort Walton Beach sweep at the Dolphin Dash”
- Find a future opportunity to race with aquatic mammals on the Trouble Afoot! racing calendar
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